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English help?

ok yes i know you all want to get kids banned of this with their homework poblems but in all fairness i would never usually ask andi really am desperate!!i have an english exam tomorow where i either have to write a love letter from a oule or more of a sort of love letter to an ex work place...just come up with any ex docto moved to africa..writing to her old work place...soldier writing to wife from iraq....ANY ideas as to why they would be writng and give some good pointers ie ideas for the letter etc!!!please i honestly would never usually ask for something like this!!! xx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

What is "a oule"?

Sounds like you already have some good ideas. Imagine you move to a great place, like NYC, LA, Paris, Rome, somewhere you've always wanted to see. Would you be nostalgic for or miss your old home? Think about the things you did where you live now, and the best times you've had there. What's your favorite spot in your house? Like, a love letter to your childhood home. Or a letter to someone you compete with that you'd leave behind. Even if they drive you crazy, would you miss the competition?