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Strange "forms" within contemportary film/literature/poetry?

I'm preparing a presentation on how form is one of the best contemporary devices; does anyone have any examples of how normal form in literature, poetry and film has been pushed beyond expected boundaries?

For example, Mark Z Danielewski's "House of Leaves" isn't just prose, it's fictional newspaper articles, letters, clippings etc ... Ang Lee's "Hulk" is like a film version of a comic book, with panels etc.

Does anyone have any more examples like these? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

In poetry, Flarf challenges notions of authorship in literature. Flarf writes poems text gleaned from internet searches. Search for Flarf and you'll find a ton of info.

In film, La Jetee uses only still photos to make a motion picture, blurring the bounds between photogaphy and cinema.