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Please help i am really frustrated ?

i have a project to do about wrirting a haiku that uses nature as a setting i really tried for two days and it is becoming worse ans worse could you tell me what to do .i really don't know what to do

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Haiku is a poetry form japanese in origin composed of three lines, with the 5-7-5 syllable scheme. Now that you know the mechanics of haiku writing, it is time to think of something to write about.
The haiku is usually about nature. So, go outside. Observe nature. Try to notice something. Give yourself time. It doesn't need to be something dramatic. A dewdrop on a leaf, trampled grass, a grasshopper, a spider weaving its web, the sun's rays playing on the trees, the wind shaking the buds, a peculiar flower can be haiku subjects.
After you have focused your subject, do the writing.
Ideally, the thing in nature that you observed and wrote into a haiku poem should reflect a philosophy in life, something that your reader can learn about. This is the most challenging part of the haiku.
If you cannot do the last part, never mind. Just write something about what you observed. The intellectualization can come later (or may come out unconsciously--in some poetry, the writer did not intend the meaning of his poem when he actually wrote it).