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Help me please, i need to write a poem?

hello there, my grandad has just passed away, and i would like to read out a poem on his funeral day,but i dont know where to look for a good poem for him please can you help me.

i'm a 14 year old boy, and me not very good at writing poems
so can you please help me ,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

My God my Dear Grandad
You have been taken from us
And we are lost and in a heap
Of sadness and remorse at your passing
How will we ever replace
The love and humour with which you
Have showered us all these years
And how will we enter your room
And not have the grief well up within us
Since you have gone away
Life will change now
And slowly I will remember who you are
Even in Spirit you speak with me and strengthen
My resolve to follow your lead and to smile upon others
And to be slow to anger as you were
And to love animals and nurture them so they
Would never be in need
And to respect, honour and serve others
Just as you did
May I follow on your magnificent path
Until one day when I am no longer fourteen
I can look back and know that everything
That has made me love you all these years
I have taken within me to care for myself and others
Your life and your love have been like iron and fire to keep me
Steady when I am lost, my little boat on a vast sea,
And strong enough to endure the uncertainties
Of my own inner strengths and unfolding visions
When I will remember to look even deeper
And to remember you and then I will
Feel that strength coming into every single bit of me
And I will recognize once and for all
The value you have always held out for me to accept
In my heart, in my mind and in the way God may guide my life
It is to you, Dear Grandfather that I offer these few
Words from the humblest part of myself,
That one day I might be some small fraction
Of the man I have had the privilege of knowing
And calling
My dearest and most beloved Grandfather.
Thank you.