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Do you think we are in a sex obsessed world?

why?/ why not?
what do you think is the caused of this Increase/ decrease in behaviour?
what advantages/ disadvatages has it caused in your opinion?

no jokes answer please
and keep answers clean as possable.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think we are.

Q1: Why?
A:Because we know all the facts that regardless of sex, age, nation, whatever you name it, people are all interested in sex with some minor exceptions. There would have been no world if people had not shown any interest in sex from the very ancient time. And due to the development of media sources, one can easily has access to any sort of sex material nowadays.

Q2 : The cause of this increase in behaviour.
A: I would say it's mostly due to the media, including printings, the internet, DVD & Video and everything. Until a decade ago, people did not have many accesses to the material relating sex in their daily life. They could only have their sexual stimulating materials from the direct forms of human beings or some sort of dirty paintings which were not so elaborated those days. So people had to put up with the things they could reach.

Q3:What advantages/ disadvantages has it caused?
A:I think it has caused both of them.

1)I think the flood of sex materials in the world is, in a way, acting as a deterrent to sex crimes. This inference can be applicable mainly for the normal grown-up adults who still have sexual desires. In the old days, those might have caused a lot of trouble with opposite sex in society.
2)I think the sex affluent society is partly acting as a kind of "sex education" for the younger generations nowadays. It maybe serving the "not-always-right-but-the-basi... knowledge of sex to them.

1)In my opinion, the disadvantages are far bigger than the advantages. The sex obsessed society nowadays is giving much harm to the people in the world. The more sex materials one nation has, the more decadent it gets in the sense of human virtue, I think.

2)The main harm of sex flood is the influence of it upon the younger generations. It may sounds inconsistent to what I mentioned above, but what I mean here is the degree and the contents of sex materials that can be accessible to the growing children or youngsters. Due to the influence on the innocent children, not a few of children may have distorted or perverse ideas to sex. If fact, this can leads to some dreadful crime cases these days. I think it is no exaggeration to say that these crimes are the result of sex materials such as porn movies and such.

[Further comments]

I personally think we should control the degree and the contents of sex materials in the world.
I also think that the amount and the content of sex materials accessible to the younger generations should be more carefully and firmly controlled.