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Any ideas for an animal fable?

For my CW class I have to make up an animal fable, a few pages know? any ideas? THANKS

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4 months ago
There needs to be a moral of the story type theme...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

pick an animal with a distinct characteristic (there are stories of "How the elephant got his trunk" when a crocodile grabbed his nose and pulled) when i told this one to my kids, i made it that the kid elephant would ignor her dad and get into problems ... now the trunk reminds them to listen to dad ... (unfortunately, that story doesn't work on them now ... lol)

Likewise, try to show "why the owl flies at night" instead of the day ... other birds didn't like his singing and tricked him into waiting for the evening
- or why do bats sleep upside-down ...
- how did the kangaroo get a pouch