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How do you make a good documentary?

Should I use window's movie maker to edit? I pretty much need to know everything!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

God no, don't use movie maker to edit. It's way to limited and, frankly, not designed to do the kind of heavy lifting that cutting a film requires.

Adobe Premiere for Windows isn't bad, and, on a Mac, iMovie or Final Cut are both excellent.

Shoot on digital video. Makes it easy to get all your footage into the computer to edit.

Outline and script before you start- pick your subject and your interviewees, get your release forms printed and signed before you interview them (so they can't sue you, etc.)

Decide if you are going to be subjective- picking a side in the debate- or objective- fair and impartial.

I put some links below for more info. My advice is to start with a short- 10-20 minutes or so.