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What are the effects of pornography (erotica and visual arts) to the society especially to the youth?

is it considered as an art? is pornography an art? is it already acceptable? give some proofs

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This is an argument that has been raging since Playboy first was published.
Pornography is the explicit representation of the human body or sexual activity with the goal of sexual arousal. It is similar to, but distinct from erotica, which is the use of sexually arousing imagery used for artistic purposes only.
Defenders of pornography argue that it is not harmful and thus should not be regulated or banned. And in 1970, the Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography concluded there was no relationship between exposure to erotic material and subsequent behavior. But more than a decade of research, as well as the production of more explicit and violent forms of pornography than were available in 1970, has shown the profound effects pornography can have on human behavior.
The 1986 Final Report of the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography examined five different classes of material: (1) sexually violent material; (2) nonviolent materials depicting degradation, domination, subordination, or humiliation; (3) non-violent and non-degrading materials; (4) nudity; and (5) child pornography. The first two categories demonstrated negative effects on behavior, the third showed mixed results, the fourth was not found harmful but the commissioners agreed it was morally objectionable, and the fifth involved sexual exploitation and was already outlawed. (direct quote from link 1)
In my opinion, pornography cheapens life. It gives a view of men and women that makes them worthless. It cheapens human relationships, and lowers sex to the level of animal lust. I know this is going to get a lot of thumbs down, but its my opinion.