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Question: Problem with New Job at Barnes and Noble!?
I just started work as a cashier at our local Barnes and Noble about 2 weeks ago and had a question!. Lately we`ve been having alot of books being stolen and in an attempt to try to help, I want to understand HOW the people who steal actually do it!.
I mean, we have the bar code detector machines at the entrance doors and to the bathrooms so wouldn`t the price bar code set it off!?
And we have cameras (or at least I think we do!. Can`t really tell since the newest tech often looks like smoke detectors!.!.!.^^ guess that`s the point)!.
And I never see anyone shoving books into backpacks or purses so I don`t know how they just walk out without paying without anyone noticing!.
I know our store has tried putting barcode tags INSIDE the pages and all but that doesn`t seem to work either!.
How are people getting away with this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have worked in retail for over 20 years, this is how they do it!. if they have a bag that is lined with aluminum foil, that desensitized the security tag!. or if they walk through the security bars if they walk quickly enough it will NOT set off!. Some times they even pass the item around the security thing so it doesn't go off!.!.the problem with the book store is that there are so many blind spots it would be a snap to rip that store off!. I have seen people peel off the tag and eat it or put the tag in under the carpet in a hidden spot!.!.
Barns and Nobel needs to revamp there security measures!.!.Plus it doesn't help when you put a massive amounts of books so close to the front doors, and the cashiers desk is so far away and the cashiers desk is loaded with stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe they have a demagnetizer!. It demagnetizes the theft strip and disables the magnetic reader that's built into the entrance/exit points of the store!. You can mess up the frequency range of the strip and it can be rendered useless by the detector!. Yet another way of shoplifting of course has been mentioned already: maybe its an inside job!. Perhaps an employee is scanning the strips and demagnetizing them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Barnes and Nobles and Borders are very expensive stores, but they do well because they promote reading and offer amnemities to their customers like cusioned chairs, coffee shops and internet!. Somehow I'm not surprised a lot of books are being stolen, and it's a lot harder to prevent theft in places were customers can relax for awhile, maybe pretend to read, snatch the tag off the book!.!.!. Or maybe they're just walking around the detector at the door too ;-p, I dunno!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If people are carrying their own bags in that look like they're from other stores, it could be that!. On the news once, they reported that thieves would bring their own bags, lined with aluminum, that would look like the bags of other stores!. Then, they proceed to put things in their bags since the aluminum block the detectors from actually setting it off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe they cut the scanners and sneak the booksith other belongings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

MAYBE its other employees!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are a clever lot and we can go undetected for long periods of time watch us closelyWww@QuestionHome@Com

i had a friend so skilled at stealing that she could do it while I was standing right next to her & wouldn't notice!. there was one occasion when we were at a book store & when we got out to the car she had a big ol' hardcover book in hands!. I'm not sure how she smuggled it out!. I can't remember if she had a big bag with her!. She did tend to wear really baggy clothes, so it's possible that she put it in the waistband of her pants & no one was the wiser!.

as for the security tags, if they're on the outer sleeves of hardcover books, then just removing the sleeve would remove it!. otherwise, IDK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They injest the book several times over a three week period!. Then, they vomit the book into a plastic cylinder!. Lastly!. they birth a package of cat toys with they promptly fill with the remaining vomit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com