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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone have ideas for a short story of a "good" religious charact

Question: Does anyone have ideas for a short story of a "good" religious character with no conflict!?
( this is for a final paper) I am basing the story around the idea that a religious person is constantly improving him or her self!. The challenge to the shorty story is that the story can not have conflict!. That it is near impossble to write a good story without the relious character not having conflict!. The idea is the write the sotyr to the best of our ablity and if we feel we have failed at the end write 1 page extra about why we failed!. My "conflict" would be having the relious person constantly trying to improve his or her practices!. The person is technically good but has an internal need for improvment!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jonah in the Belly of the Whale; The Bible;Www@QuestionHome@Com