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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the summary of Chapter 2 in "Eclipse" by: Stephenie Meyer?

Question: What is the summary of Chapter 2 in "Eclipse" by: Stephenie Meyer!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Chapter 2-Evasions

Alice and Angela decide they'll throw a party for Bella's lifted punishment!.Alice had a vision and Edward didn't want to tell Bella about it!. It was about Victoria coming back!. Edward noticed the stereo that was ripped out of Bella's dashboard!. Edward took Bella down to Florida to visit her mom with the presents from Esme and Carlisle!. Bella watched Alice and Edward play chess (lol)!. Charlie attempted to give Bella the sex talk but she assured him she was a virgin (stupid prude-y Edward!. JK) Bella decided she would sneak out to see Jake, but Alice saw Bella's future disappear and told Edward, so Edward took apart her car so she couldn't go!.

Hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mom is reading that right now!. I'll make her look it up!. Wait a second!.
People may give me thumbs down, but I don't really care!. I'll tell you anyway since you asked!.

Edit: Bella is ungrounded by Charlie!. Edward tries to convince Bella to get married!. Bella visits her mom in Florida on Edward's guilt trip and force and Bella's mom sees how much Bella loves Edward!.
That's it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well there isnt really a summary
Bella and Edward continue to fall in love lol
Read the book to see for yourself!!! ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

read it babe its worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read It! You'll love it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com