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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why is it that so many people think they're poets?

Question: Why is it that so many people think they're poets!?
I come across a lot of people recently that think they can just write a few lines down that rhyme, but mean absolutely nothing and then they can call themselves a poet!. I never criticize them to they're face because I don't want to dishearten them and at least they're trying, but it's kind of disgraceful compared to the wonderful poets that have lived before us who tried to convey messages in a beautiful way!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe it has to do with the way we have become all about praising the effort in our society--you know, praise your child for trying something, not just for winning!. I have mixed feelings about that!. If Mom and Dad (or a well-meaning teacher, or whatever) tell you that you're a great poet when you're not, well !. !. !. Ditto the unfortunate people who make fools of themselves on American Idol tryouts because their friends or family all told them they could sing!.

Or maybe Mom and Dad didn't know enough in the first place to tell the difference between good poetry and just words-that-rhyme (or don't)!. It's not like poetry appreciation is a huge part of a child's education anymore in this day and age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know what you mean; it seems that a lot of people seem to think that all you have to do to be a poet is sit down and write out your feelings or emotions or observations, etc!. But true poets don't just write something down and consider it finished; they revise it, change things, look for ways to improve it!. While poetry is about emotion, writing down what you're feeling at one moment does not a poem (or poet) make! :) As for myself, I am not at all a poet, though I have attempted the form before, all to no success - writing true, good, effective poetry is HARD, which is why I stick to fiction!. Those who write down a few random lines may have written a poem, but it does not by any means make them a poet!. I've written poems, but I am not a poet!. Being a poet is a life choice, not finding the time and ability to jot down a few random thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To each, their own, I guess, but bad poetry is still bad poetry!. I think some people just become disillusioned by their own lack of skill; a lot of the time, I will write something, think it's great, and then show it to someone who merely overlooks it as something alright!.


But yes, this is entirely insulting to any poet and it is truly disgusting what passes as poetry these days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They want to make themselves feel like an individual!. They're often weak people with no real talents otherwise (or else they feel those talents are inadequate) so they attempt to do something that is valid!. It kind of worries me that people ignore what could be good talent because "poet" is so lauded!.

Places like poetry!.com and such don't help, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people today are confused/completely ignorant of what poetry should be!. Many people feel that is is simply a medium of expressing one's self, and I hate to sound like I'm suppressing self-expression!. But the truth is, bad poetry is simply not artful; and I agree completely that it is disgraceful to those who stay true to the idea of poetic composition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not everyone is a poet, but a lot of people call themselves such because they can throw a few rhyming lines together and 'voila'!. It's sad because a lot of the time, it's really, really bad!. Maybe a budding poet or an aspiring poet would be a more accurate description!.