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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone tell me for once why Viola in twelfth night is moderate and how it l

Question: Can someone tell me for once why Viola in twelfth night is moderate and how it leads her to succes!?
Plz answer my question!.!.!.i have asked plenty of times but recieved 0 replies!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The above link is a great one at which to read about 'all things Shakespeare' in particular!. The following, from an essay on Viola, is condensed here because non-members can't see all of it (and it's too long to enter here for you)!.

"!.!.!.Viola, a gentlewoman from Messaline and twin sister to Sebastian!.!.!.!. (After shipwreck; separated from brother, disguised)!.!.!. Whether disguised as the young man Cesario or!.!.!. true identity!.!.!. Viola is the central character!.!.!. main plot hangs on her and she is (first one) to know (the plot's) kinks!. In this sense, Viola has greater wisdom!.!.!. (and is) able to objectively evaluate (most) of the events!.!.!.

"!.!.!.Resourceful, loving and loyal!.!.!. Viola (in disguise) is taken (to land where) she meets others (in the play)!.!.!. assessments of Viola!.!.!. (then are made) on apparent boyishness!.!.!.boldness of mind!.

"(Viola) Central!.!.!. because of her influence on other characters!.!.!.(she sees) through pretenses of!.!.!. Olivia and Orsino!.!.!.!. (Examples given:) Olivia's elaborate !.!.!.mourning for her brother!.!.!. contrast(s) with Viola's optimistic and active engagement in Illyria!.!.!. (her, that is, Viola's) patient and self-sacrificing love for Orsino helps Orsino!.!. reassess his own artificial and self-indulgent love of love!."

Does that answer the 'how she's moderate and how it leads to her success' question for you (finally)!? Know she ends up with her new love Orsino and that Sebastian and she are reunited; but you knew already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com