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Question: Excerpt from my story, is it good!?
here's a paragraph from my book im trying to get published!. i made sure to pick a random one that wouldnt let others steal my idea, but is my writing good!? (the ---- lines black out words that give things away)

I opened the back gate and entered the forest!. It was the same as everyday; wet and green!. The dirt path led to a short hill where I now stood, looking out over the large setting of trees and foliage!. I started down the hill, grabbing at tree limbs for support!. It only took me a couple of minutes to reach the bottom, thanks to my many years of experience hiking here in the woods!. Despite how dingy it was, I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of it!. In front of me was a little pond filled with minnows, tadpoles, water bugs and frogs!. A decaying log lay across the top of the water, creating a miniature waterfall from the muddy stream beside it!. I watched as an oak leaf was carried swiftly by the current into the little environment and smiled to myself as the fish swam away from it in fear!.
I turned and looked to my right!. There was nothing in that direction other than a dead end a few miles away, so I chose to go left instead!. I stepped carefully over the rocks sticking out from the knee-deep water, and ducked as I walked under a large fallen tree!. Up ahead, I could just make out the remains of the Ferris wheel, one of the many abandoned amusement park rides here in -----!.
I crossed another small stream, this time walking through it since it was only an inch or two deep!. I rounded a corner and my red brick house was no longer in view!. The ground was spongy with mud from the last spring shower, and the air humid, due to the intense heat wave that was passing over ----!. I approached a tunnel, the same tunnel I always stopped at when I came this way!. It always looked so intimidating!. It was a large hole in a wall of rocks and caked mud!. A curtain of damp green moss covered the entrance and blocked the tunnel from view!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the first paragraph, I think you tell us that she's in the woods a little too often!. You don't need to tell us that she has hiked in the woods before, since we can infer that that is where she would have hiked!.

"I watched as an oak leaf was carried swiftly by the current into the little environment and smiled to myself as the fish swam away from it in fear!." - I think you should omit the character in this line!. Stick with the straight description!.

I like this, but you need to keep in mind that, since this is first-person, it's a character telling the story!. You need to keep your character's personality in mind when you're narrating!.

One thing you do (that I do as well) is over-narrate!. The second paragraph is very particular about all the actions, and it's rather dry!. Know that not everything has to be described in detail and trust that your reader is familiar with normal actions (choosing a direction, etc!.)!.

Find your writer's voice and get comfortable with it, because it's yours!.

Please, please, please bear in mind that I am not a novelist published or not!. I've attempted short stories and have been mildly successful (in my own mind)!. I mean this all as constructive criticism!. This is not meant to attack by any means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com