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Question: Did Moll Flanders keep sleeping with her brother/husband when she found out he was her brother!?
I didn't really understand that part, I know she decided not to tell him or his mother, but did she sleep with him or just insist on going back to England and refuse to sleep with him!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Moll and her new husband live together for a number of years in Virginia and have three children!. Eventually, through discussions with her mother-in-law, Moll comes to the horrible realization that the woman is her mother, thus making her husband her brother!. Moll's mother urges her to cover up the entire affair, but Moll insists that she cannot!. The mother promises Moll that she will secretly leave an inheritance for her, separate from her brother/husband's if she buries this problem and stays in Virginia, but Moll decides to break the news to him!. He attempts suicide and becomes ill at the news, but agrees that she should leave!.
