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Question: Would you just read this!.!.!.!?
could you tell me if this sounds okay

Shakespeare uses Euphemism in the play whenever Duncan’s murder is mentioned!. We as the audience never actually hear Macbeth or Lady Macbeth say ‘murder or killing’ they always refer to their plans on murdering Duncan as ‘the deed,’ and ‘the bloody business!.’ This shows that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth feel that by not saying the word murder they can pretend to themselves that what they are doing is not bad it is simply what they believe has to be done!. This can also show that they are simply being cautious as they don’t want anyone to find out what they are plotting!. The fact that Macbeth and lady Macbeth don’t use the word murder makes the play tense as we know what they are talking about but if some other character were to hear them talking they would get suspicious and wonder what was going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Shakespeare uses Euphemism in the play!.!.!." - you don't need the capital E!. It should be "murder" or "killing" not "murder or killing"!. I also wouldn't use "This shows" because actually, you're interpreting it!. "This suggests" or would be better!.

You could also mention the fact that the secrecy and lack of plain speaking about the murder actually makes it seem *worse* to the audience!. They are not acting straight forward and being honest about it, they are acting secretive and sly, even when in private, giving the impression of duplicity to the audience!.

Alternatively, to support your fist point (about the Macbeth's pretending to themselves it's not as bad as it seems) you could contrast this section to Macbeth's much more straightforward way of speaking when arraging the death of Banquo or the Macduff's - when he is immune to the horror and a nastier person!. This might only need to be brief (i!.e!. "in contrast to X when he says Y!.!.!.")

It's good, but I think you could improve it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds good to me everything is on point, no misspellings and everything is in order!.!. good job keep it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com