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Position:Home>Books & Authors> The Illuminatus trilogy and Foucault's pendulum, forget Dan Brown!?

Question: The Illuminatus trilogy and Foucault's pendulum, forget Dan Brown!!?
It's funny how people went crazy about the da vinci code, and didn't realise that bob wilson had written a funny and more serious examination of the conspiracy theory 30 years before!. Even umberto eco in foucault's pendulum wrote about a secret society passing on arcane wisdom through the ages, it had templers, great art, secret manuscripts - the lot, this was in the early 80's I think!. Then along comes brown with his completely un-scholarly and simplistic tale and claims himself to be an original! He;s just a lazy opportunist, dumbing down RAW's idea's for the masses, and offering no genuine and intellectual insight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I agree totally that Foucault's Pendulum (Eco) brings out much more than Dan Brown and of course is original!. I haven't read Bob Wilson!. But what is the query you intended to make!? Or did you rather want to make a statement and not a query!?

-- Fred Jones (http://www!.webliterature!.net)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think dan brown has claimed to be original, he has himself admitted that he drawn on other books to create his own!. the reason why the da vinci code took off was that it was simplistic and therefore more people could read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com