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Question: Question about the book Night be Elie Wiesel!?
There are a few things that I am unclear on about this novel!. First of all, what is the whole evacuation part about!. Im reading that right now and im confused!. What happens!? Second, any word on his mother and sister!? And what are some of the major characters besides him and his father!? Are there any!? Because they all seem to just die!. who were the SS!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, i read this book last year in 8th grade!. The evacuation part is when everybody has to leave wherever they are and go somewhere else!. I don't exactly remember what they were evacuating from though!. Elie doesn't know what happened to his mom and sister,!. the last time he saw them was when they first arrived at the camp and got separated!. To this day, he doesn't know what happened to them!. they're are really no other major characters in the story!. They were just people who were sent to the camps and the people who ran the camps!. The ss are the people who work for hitler and who run the camps!. They tell the people what to do and when to do it!. I think Elie stayed at the camp for 2 or 3 years!. so not very long, but enough to never for get it!.
Hope that helps!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The SS was the Nazi military organization that carried out the Holocaust!. The mother and sister were killed in the gas chambers/crematorium early on!. He and his father are the only real major characters, as far as I remember!.

Are you referring to the evacuation at the beginning of the novel or the end!? The evacuation at the beginning was for moving the Jews from the ghetto to the concentration camps!. The evacuation at the end was for moving the concentration camp prisoners out of the camps when the Allies were about to arrive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com