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Question: What is John Proctor's attitude to: !?
religion, Parris, witch trials ( and the causes) and his feeling about his affair with A!. Williams!. ANYONE WHO GIVES THE BEST ANSWER WILL GET 10 POINTS!! in your reply please inform me how to do this! thanks, tara!. plz answers sooooon!. for monday! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He wrote a letter to the authorities in Boston, Massachusetts to alert them to the issues taking place in Salem and asking them to intervene!. In this letter he claimed that if a woman as well respected as Rebecca Nurse could be convicted, then no restraint was left in the town, and he asked that the trials be moved to Boston, Massachusetts or that new judges be appointed!. His letter brought about a meeting of eight ministers at Cambridge, Massachusetts on August 1, 1692!. No records survive of what took place at this meeting, but when the ministers emerged, they had drastically changed their position on spectral evidence, having previously decided that the devil could take on the form of innocent people!. Unfortunately for John Proctor, their decision made no practical difference until after his execution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com