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Question: Why is Palin hiding from the press!?
If she is so qualified and so formidable why is the pit-bull acting like a scaredy-cat Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
because, GASP, shes NOT qualified, and hopefully she's starting to realize this!.

She was governor of like 4,000 people!. My grandparents went to Alaska and my grandpa tells me this story all the time!. Alaskan towns are like nothing!. Their flight was delayed because there was a cow on the runway and they couldn't land! Theres 8 million people in NYC alone!. I'd love to see Palin ATTEMPT to be vp, it would be so entertaining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm beginning to think that the McCain-Palin campaign is sending secret agents into the Books and Authors section to stir up "the readers!." There's no other explanation for why these questions keep getting posted here!

I think she's hiding from the press because she's afraid; and she *should* be!. For once, the press seem to be doing their jobs! Unfortunately for her, all this secrecy is just attracting them more!.

Now get ye to the Politics forum!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you have placed this question in the wrong section!. This section is about books and authors, not politics!.

But to answer your question: They do not want the reporters to ask her the serious question of why did her daughter get pregnant when she was taught absentience and why are you for removing Roe VS Wade and various other questions that they want to ask her!.

McCain is doing this only because he thinks having a woman on his bill will give him all of the women voters and he is for removing the right to have an abortion and removing sex ed classes from all schools, not teaching them at all how to prevent themselves from getting pregnant or a STD which Mrs!. Palin's daughter could have gotten instead of a baby!. All students should be aware of all avenues if they go a head and have sex!. They could be properly informed on how to put a condom on or just say no to the pressure of having sex!. Mrs!. Palin's daughter was lucky to only have gotten with child, she could have got AIDs of all dieseases!

Mr!. McCain and Mrs!. Palin want to revoke your right to birth control pills and an abortion and all the pills that would keep a pregnancy from happening in the first place!

They must not win the White House, for our womanly rights to be maintain as it is, we, ladies must vote for Obama who swore that he would keep our rights right where they are as of now! The freedom to have an abortion and have the pills to prevent a pregnancy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Republicans don't want to be embarrassed when she opens her mouth!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why is this being posted in the books and authors section!.