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Question: How is "Tess of the D'Urbivilles" presented by hardy !?
How is Tess presented in chapter two !? (II)Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Its been a while since I read tess but I loved it so much!. If I remember rightly chapter 2 is where her father is in the pub and her mum goes to fetch him and ends up drinking herself!.
Tess then goes out herself to fetch both of her parents from the public house, she feels rather ashamed of her parents who are presented in a rather vulgar and mentally simple light, Tess is presented as more mature than either of her parents!. She is sensible and has a quiet dignity and pride that sometimes appears to above her class - she is a working class girl and her family is poor!. So poor that there only asset is the horse!. When things get bad it is Tess who they turn to to put things right!.
That is about as much as I can a) remember and b) want to tell you - you need to figure some things out for yourself!. Tess is a fantastic book, I hope you enjoy studying it!.

Hi - I have just had a look at the book and chapter 2 is not what I thought it is - its the dance!. I said it has been a while since I read it lol!. So one thing about Hardy is that he was very big on sybolism and if you know his writting you can often get an idea of what is about to happen if you pay attention to the symbolism he uses!. So if you think about how she is described from the beginning - she is all in white - the symbol of purity and she is wearing a red ribbon in her hair - symbol for blood/murder etc!. So from this we can see that Tess is pure!. We are then told that she is simple 'bless thy simplicity Tess' or rather she is innocent!. We then learn that she has a lot or pride, passion and spirit when she says 'Look here I won't walk another inch with ye!.!.!.' also the way she pronounces you (ye) shows that she is a working class country girl as opposed to middle class!.
So that is the sort of thing to look out for in chapter 2, just think about what you can deduce from what is given in the text - there are no wrong answers as long as you can back up what you claim with something from the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com