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Question: Mistakes in books!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
why is there never no spelling mistakes in books like harry potter, etc!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunately, there are mistakes in books!. Even Harry Potter!. Despite all the edits that happen!.

In the publishing house alone, the manuscript will get read by at least (if not more) one editor, one copyeditor (whose sole purpose is to find typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors), one proofreaders (who's job it is to catch the mistakes that the copyeditor overlooked) and a dozen or so other staff members from marketing, sales, publicity and production!. Not to mention the author him/herself who reads and re-reads the book many times over and probably has a group of their own proofreaders!.

When I wrote my first book, I had many people close to me, friends and family, read it and check for mistakes before it even went to all the people listed above!. And I still found a typo in the finished book! It can be a little frustrating, but it happens in all books!.

That being said, the more printings a book has, the more likely the typos will disappear because if they're found in the first round of printing, the publisher will fix them for the next print run!. So if you have a later print run of a popular book like Harry Potter (which has gone through many, MANY print runs), chances are there won't be any typos!. Or at least very few!.

Hope this helps!

All best,
Jessica Brody
author of THE FIDELITY FILES (St!. Martin's Press 2008)

Well, there are mistakes in Harry Potter!. Any addict will point them out!. Because no one or no book is perfect!. I've read several published novels (including Harry Potter) where there are mistakes!. An author and editor and publisher will never catch them all, their job is to make sure they catch as many as they can!. A novel will go through multiple rough drafts!. Going through it word-by-word, punctuation-to-punctuation!. It's a tedious job, but someone has to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes there are and you just have to be a really good speller to notice it!. I noticed a small word (something like an or a) left out of a sentence!. And considering you throw around double negatives ("never no spelling mistakes"), you might not be able to spot them!. Plenty of books have mistakes, though!. It drives me batty to see them, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they edit re- edit and then edit some moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

well there are, most of the time we just dont notice them, and there are very few of them for such long books :)Www@QuestionHome@Com