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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Teens, what kind of book would you like to see next?

Question: Teens, what kind of book would you like to see next!?
We all know of the Godly creations- Twilight, Harry Potter, etc

We need a new one!. Something different but equally as great or greater!.
I am trying to write that new one!.
I am leaning towards a fantasy romance, but not like Twilight!.!.!. that idea has been taken, I'm not about to copy someone's work!.

So, any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is hardly anything new in fantasy romance anymore!. Practically every fantasy creature (e!.g!. vampires, werewolves, and witches) has had a romance written about them!. Any other possibilities just wouldn't work!. The most used fantasy romance concept is a fantasy creature falling in love with a human!. So try edging away from that!. If you want to do an original romantic fantasy, I would stick to one species or try crossing two different species (not the classics like vampires and werewolves though; they're too much like Romeo and Juliet; how about witches and werewolves!?)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gosh I was going to say a type of book like twilight but you said that!

Ever since I read twilight I have been looking for books that are similar to that!.

I am a sucker for a romance book!.

I love how the twilight books show there actions and what there face looks like!. She is a brilliant writer and any type of fantasy book is good!


A vampire book like Qirque De Freak! i ;pve those books!. def!. a vampire book, or like wear wolves or zombies like this girl is the only human person and everyone else is a zombie or vampire and they are trying to find her/him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com