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Question: What do you think of sarah palin!?
i think shes pretty cool and WAY more qualified than barak obammaWww@QuestionHome@Com

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I agree totally!.

She is a great example of what a woman can become in this country!.

I do not like life long lying politicians, and her and her husband are a certainly a breath of fresh air!.

I am also appalled at the attacks she is taking!. Now they hack her email (and find nothing bad, btw)!.

Crazy crazy crazy liberal nuts!.

edit: Hey Katzie!. You want some facts!?

1!. He supports infanticide, literally!

2!. His spiritual mentor for 20 years has been Jeremiah Wright whom Obama personally chose out of many Chicago pastors!. It strains credibility that he didn’t know about Wright’s views!. He listened to tapes of Rev!. Wright when he was at Harvard Law! So why did he choose him and stick with him for so long!? The only possible explanation is that he approved of Wright’s tirades!.

3!. He is a close friend of William Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, unrepentant Weather Underground terrorists!.

4!. He is a target for assassination, not because he is black but because he is a Muslim apostate, according to devout Muslims around the world!. Therefore, he cannot be a good Chief Diplomat to the Middle East!.

5!. He was mentored by a communist!.

6!. His economic plan will harm the US economy and create more fiscal irresponsibility with the Congressional Budget!. Why do we want to return to the days of Jimmy Carter!?

7!. He is in favor of unilateral disarmament, leaving America defenseless against its enemies!.

8!. He is unaccomplished!. He hasn’t really done anything of worth relative to the office of the US presidency!. He’s only been in the Senate for about two years (assumed in office Jan of 2005 and announced his candidacy for the presidency in Feb 2007)!. One can’t be simultaneously a full-time senator and a full-time presidential candidate!. Soon he will have campaigned for almost as long as he has been in the Senate!.

9!. He is willing to personally meet with hostile dictators like Hugo Chavez and Ahmadinejad with no preconditions!. They don’t deserve such a privilege of meeting the President of the USA!. Reagan negotiated from a position of strength, when he thought he could gain something!. What does Obama hope to gain!?

10!. Three other people: Tony Rezko, Eric Holder, Jim Johnson!. Why does Obama associate with such shady characters!?

You brainwashed people can disagree with me all you want!. But the above are facts!. Open your eyes and do a little research!.

Don't vote for the man because he is goodlooking, or in your party, or any other crazy reason!. Don't fall for his bumper sticker slogans and good speaches!.

If you truely do a little research, there is no way you would vote for him!. Open your eyes!.

The democratic party picking Obama was a horrible pick!.

Even Truman would not vote for Obama!.

And go look at this about Biden: http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=Ll_goH-ai!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Palin is an ignorant twit!. She should go back to Alaska where she came from!. I can't even believe she was chosen as VP nominee!.

She knows nothing about anything, shes a homophobe, too conservative for me!.

She wants to ban books!. Who are you!? Open your mind!. Don't try to censor things because YOU don't like them!.

Go away Palin, no one wants you!.

It's so sad she's the FIRST woman as a VP nominee because shes an utter embarassment to the female gender!.

Palin lives in her own little fantasy land and it's a good thing McCain will never become president!. I would rather gouge my eyes out with a plastic spoon than live with the knowledge that if something ever happened, that idiot would be next in line to take over the country!.


"McCain and Palin get their health insurance paid for by the government (hers in Alaska and his in Washington)!. Yet they oppose giving the nearly 46 million uninsured Americans the same access to affordable health care!."

McCain is all for making a woman's right to choose, illegal!. Who is HE to tell people what they can and cannot do with their bodies!?!? Again, go away!.

"McCain and Palin want us to leave their families alone!. Yet they want to make rules for our families by eliminating our right to make our own choices over abortion, eliminate our access to family planning education or domestic partner benefits, and our freedom from discrimination!."

"John McCain's kids don't have to worry about paying for college!. Yet he has opposed every single education support program to help others!."

"That seems to me to be the right reason to oppose them in November!. It's not the process or the people, it's what they represent!. This unconventional choice of a vice presidential nominee by John McCain won't result in a win in November, because McCain and Palin are the wrong choice for the country!."

Palin is more experienced than Barack Obama!?!?!? She was the governor of Alaska, Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, City Council Member of Wasilla, Alaska,--- WASILLA, ALASKA: As of the 2000 census, its population was 5,469, but the 2007 estimate gives a population of 9,780!. However, Wasilla itself gives a figure (as of 2008) of only 7,025 residents[3]!.

THAT AREA DOESN'T EVEN BREAK THE 5 DIGIT MARK!. There are OVER 8 MILLION (8,000,000) PEOPLE IN NYC ALONE!. How the hell is she in ANYWAY qualified or experienced in dealing with that many people!?!!?!?!!!?!?!!!

(UNITED STATES POPULATION, 2008 estimate 305,182,000 VS!. 7,025!. hmmmmmm!.!.!.)



SAYING "SHE'S PRETTY COOL" is not enough support to want her as a VP NOMINEE!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

when you have already made up your mind then don't wast our time asking such questions!. BUT
If the economy has not affected you yet !.
If the deficit of this country doest bother you yet!.
If the jobs that are gone are not coming back my friends does not sink in yet!.
If you are better off today then 8 year ago then sure vote for McCain and Palin ticket and say what you want to say that she is so cool and qualified,but truth is these Republicans have ruined this country!.
If you value your country,kids future,there education,your job then be sensible and vote Democrat!.

I think she hasn't written any books!. So she's not an author!. This might not be the best section to put this in!. However, there is a whole forum dedicated to politics and elections!. Try posting it there instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so too, but we have to remember that she's not going to be Pres!. She's just going to be VP and also this is Books and Authors not Politics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


THANK YOU!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my GOODNESS I think she would be a wonderful person to know!
buT to be president!?!?!?!?!? im just not sureWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, but your in the wrong section people here want to discuss books not politics, sorry:]Www@QuestionHome@Com