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Question: Is that an Irony or is it!?
Kitten Irony
By Jillian Hair

lying across my bedroom floor

the darkness broken by flickering tv ads

kitten slinks through the night

her playful eyes glow bright

peeping over the heaps of blankets

i turned stretching out a yawn

to find her stare sweetly

the soft hum of her purr beckoning me to play

i hold her close and run my finger through the whisk of fur

the beautiful face and mischievous grin

luring me to sleep

the moment of quiet sleep

then a flash of fur a SWAT crushes on my face

ZIP! alone again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no!. that's just something mildly surprising!. you were going for situational irony here but missed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer lies within yourself!.

curiosity killed the cat:P

haha i had to!Www@QuestionHome@Com