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Question: The Professor by Charlotte Bronte!?
Has anyone read it!? Is it good!?

I wanted to re-read Jane Eyre after finding The Eyre Affair (Which is a fun read for anyone who fantasizes about Mr Rochester) and picked up a "complete collection" of the Bronte sisters!. Loved Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, but really wasn't thrilled with Shirley-is it worth it!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is good and different from her other books but Jane Eyre is by far her best!. I did not particularly like Shirley, so I think our tastes must be the same!.

I also liked the books of Anne Bronte namely the Tenant of Windfell Hall and Agnes Grey!. I suppose they are included in your collection!. Do read them!.

If you like Mr Rochester, I suggest you read Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys!. It is a sort of prequel to Jane Eyre, and deals mainly with the life of the 'mad wife in the attic',Bertha Mason, because of whom Jane cannot marry Rochester the first time!. But I'm warning you, this book will make you hate the very name of Rochester!.

Hope this helps and good reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com