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Question: How do Ghostwriters actually work!?
I know a little about the job, but not much!. What do they specifically do!? Do they help you write or piece together ideas, do you give them ideas and they write it, etc!?

Do they only do books, or do they also do scripts and such!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ghostwriters can advertise to write in any medium!. I myself have ghost written speeches, short stories, biographies, articles, and research papers!. Most times I require a one time fee (usually a standard per page fee depending on how much work needs to be done: ie up to fifty pages starting at $10 per page to $25, some charge as much as $50!. per page) and all the notes the person has prepared!. I also require that we have at least one session a month where they must read what has been compiled up until that point and then add, correct, revise, suggest or advise about what's been written and what should be done next!. Often we will do an outline and I let them talk while I take notes or type!. I require a seperate payment for these meetings usually $100!.
I also require a signed contract that this is all I will be getting and that I am the ghostwriter for the project and will not go public unless!.!.!. (usually it has to do with legal/court type stuff, you know if I'm subpeoned) but can use the person as a referral in the future without stating what specific writing I did!. Most everyone agrees to that!.
Sometimes the work I do is only preliminary and the client uses that to begin shopping the product!. I am then out of a job!. I usually make suggestions on how to piece together the idea they have, sometimes (especially with speeches) I need to know the persons mannarisms and speech patterns and what exactly they want to convey as far as tone and such so I will draft up a few copies sometimes even with pauses and stops written in!. Almost like a play!.
I give my ideas voice before I start writing to make sure I have the proper idea as to where they want to go!. Sometimes I get it wrong and the person is only required to pay for the pages they want!. I also end up rewriting quite a bit but again they end up purchasing more of the document and in the future it becomes easier and easier to work with the person!.
I know ghostwriters who have even worked on training manuels, and slides for corporations and such!. I have found that people need a ghost writer for many purposes, proposals, storyboards, treatments, you name it!. And it is the job of the ghostwriter to get the clients idea across the way they want it!.


A ghostwriter is someone who is hired by the author to write a book!. The author will then sell the book under their own name!. If, for example you are writing an autobiography you may dictate onto tape your experiences or talk to the ghostwriter and they will then write the book for you!. Ghostwriters are sometimes credited as co-authors and don't receive royalties but instead earn a fee for writing the book!. To boost the credibility of the author their name may also appear on the cover!. Hope this helps!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you watch that Ghost writter episodes!? It's all computer graphics/