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Question: Twilight HATERS only!.!.!?
Why do you hate Twilight!? What's your favorite book series!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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My favorite book series is HP, but they aren't my favorite *books*!. My favorite books (in no particular order) are Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Silas Marner by George Eliot, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain!.

I hate Twilight because it has no plot!. Really, it doesn't!. It can be summed up in a few sentences!. "Girl meets boy!. Girl loves boy!. Boy loves girl!. Boy saves girl!. The end"!. That, to me, is lame!. A good plot shouldn't be easily explained in a few short sentences!. Who knew that a virtually plotless book series could take up 2000 pages!? Twilight's plot is completely unoriginal, too; forbidden love and love triangles have been done before!.

The writing is amateur!. Smeyer uses the same adjectives repeatedly, misuses certain words, and basically throws the rules of grammar out the window!. Twilight is so full of grammar mistakes!. Her writing is overly pedantic; how many times did she describe Edward!? One too many for my taste!. Her writing is also so amateur that she didn't make the relationships believable to me (other than Bella/Jake, and I'm a little shaky even on that one)!. In Twilight, Bella and Edward fall in love after one conversation!. To this day, I don't understand why they fell in love!. As far as I can tell, he only likes her because she smells nice and she only likes him because she's horny and wants to get laid!. She wrote the relationships without any depth, and they were hence unbelievable to me!. Smeyer's writing also has the tendency to place emphasis certain things it shouldn't, and not emphasis others enough; her writing lacks focus and preciseness!. Her series also has a lot of plot holes!.

The characters are awful!. Edward is a black and white, emo, controlling, bipolar, abusive ***, and Bella is a whiny, obsequious, two-faced, insipid brat!. Edward is boring as heck and, in the eyes of Bella (not my eyes), never does anything wrong!. "Perfect" characters like that SUCK-- what's the point of a character who has nothing to overcome!? I also think it's bad that Bella can't see anything wrong with him!. Accepting people's faults is a natural part of life!. Bella also has no morals; if she thinks she's doing something wrong, she rationalizes it or continues to do it anyways!. She makes no attempt to fix things, but rather makes everything worse!. Jake is cool, but he has temper issues, acts immaturely at times, and has a tendency to take things too far!. I REALLY liked Jake's character up until Breaking Dawn; Smeyer RUINED him in Breaking Dawn!. Everything that made Jake Jake disappeared!. The rest of the characters are essentially useless; Esme, Emmett, most of the wolves, Jasper, and many other characters could be completely taken out of the story and it wouldn't affect the storyline at all!. THAT is the sign of a bad character!. If the character has no pertinence to the plot, they are a waste of character!. Most of the characters were also severely underdeveloped (example!.!.!. who is Bella!? What are her dreams and hopes!? What would she be doing in life if she'd never met Edward!? Conversely, what are Edward's interests outside of stalking Bella!? How does he want to spend his existence!? What does he want to contribute!? What are his hopes and dreams!?)!.

I think this series sends out awful messages, too!. The way I see it, if it's wrong in real life, it's wrong in a book!. I don't give a damn if it's fiction; what's wrong is wrong!. There are SO many wrong things that happen in this series!. It's fine for character's to make mistakes, as that's part of life, but characters should learn and grow from those mistakes!. That doesn't happen in this series; none of the characters face repercussions!. They all get everything they want and end up happy!. I feel like the Twilight series rationalizes a lot of things that shouldn't ever be rationalized!.

The ending is anti-climatic!. In Twilight, Bella is unconscious for the entire fight scene!. We don't see it!. In New Moon, the Volturi scene lasts for about 2 seconds!. In Eclipse, we only see the battle via Edward!. In Breaking Dawn, Smeyer spent 300 pages leading up a massive battle then had a tea party instead; the Volturi ended up running away with their tails between their legs!. In all 4 books, Smeyer spent several hundred pages building up to something, then the climax was either disappointing or lasted for about 10 pages!.

I also have issues with Twilight because of my beliefs on what a book is!. A GOOD book should have literary merit!. Take HP, for instance!. It's not the paragon of perfect writing, but it has literary merit!. A GOOD book should be able to make you feel emotion deeply; I'd go so far as to say a good book can change your life, since many books have changed mine!. A GOOD book has symbolism, depth, themes, and meaning; the author is trying to teach you something through their story!. There is always something going on beneath the plot level, and if you don't look any deeper than the plot, you miss the point of the story!.

That's not true with Twilight!. There is nothing deeper than the story!. That's all it is-- a story!. It's just fluff!. Meaningless, mediocre fluff!. The only reason the series is so long is because Smeyer packed it full of unimportant minutia that has no bearing on the plot!. If the series was in third person instead of first, it would be about half as long!. Twilight has no literary merit!. There is no symbolism!. There is no depth!. There is no meaning!. Smeyer wasn't trying to teach her fans anything!. To me, Twilight is like an empty egg shell!. Yes, it's a book, but it's not what a book *should* be (in my eyes, at least)!. It's a cheap imitation of what real authors write and what real authors try to accomplish through writing!. Maybe it's just because I'm so passionate about novels and writing, but in some ways, I see Twilight's popularity as an insult to the literary world!. The great authors the world currently has, and has had, are either laughing or rolling in their graves right now knowing that Twilight is what our society deems to be a "good book"!.

Frankly, I think Twilight is a series for hopeless romantics or little tweenage girls who generally aren't very mature!. Twilight is a fluff novel; that's all!. It's not the kind of book that's going to go on and stand the test of time!. It's a crap novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Gemma Doyle series is my current favorite (besides Harry Potter- that's going to be a common one, so!.!.!.)

I hate it because it's poorly written, the characters are 2-d and have no personality, Bella really *does* set back feminism, Edward's so boring it's just not funny, she ruined Jacob in BD, Charlie is clueless, and Bella has no morals!. I could keep going, but those are the reasons I can think of for right now!.

But I will say this!. I hate Twilight mostly for its characters and quality!. It has some good ideas about vampires (like the sparkliness which most people laugh at and the Volturi) but the story destroyed the idea!. Which is kind of too bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, i do like twilight!.!.!.but thats all, its a fine book that gives good entertainment, people don't need to be so completely ridiculous about it! "i wish you will die" sheesh! its not that amazing!
im the biggest harry potter nerd on the planet, so thats my favorite but you;ve probably already read those!.
i really liked the bloody jack books and the uglies series and his dark materials (dont be put off by the movie)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite book series would be the Shopaholic series!. :)

Why do I hate it!? For various reasons which could go on and on!.!.!.

First, it's overrated!. There are more books far, far better than Twilight!. Twilight is just a lame piece of amateur-written trash crap!. Why the hell do fangurls call it "THE BEST BUKS EVAAAA WRITTTTEN!!!!!!"!?!

Second, the "protagonist" Bella Swan-Cullen, is a stupid, immature, dependent, whiny kid who can't live without a man in her life!. She can't stand in her own two feet without Edward babysitting her, even as a vampire!. Psh, she might kill somebody while Eddie's away!. And do you remember in New Moon, when she tried to do all those dangerous stunts just to her a delusion of Edward's voice!? Pathetic girl!. She is the most lamebrain character I have ever come across!.

Third, the rest of the characters are lame!. Edward is a Bella-obsessed vampire abuser/stalker, Rosalie is a blond butt brain, Meyer ruined Jacob in Breaking Dawn!. Jacob was the only actual decent character Meyer created, and she just had to ruin him in BD!.

Fourth, there are too many plotholes!. And when Meyer had a chance to make the conflict, she went bust!. I'm still baffled as to why they call her the next J!.K!. Rowling!. Oh, the world these days!.

Fifth, it drags on!. She has to write mountains of pages and add useless stuff to it, just to tell us they have a happy ending!. Oh, goody!

Sixth, in Meyer's world, never believe what she told you the first time!. She said vampires can't have children!. And the next, Bella gave birth to a demon spawn I nicknamed "the intruder!." Then, she said Jacob's Quilete pack were a bunch of werewolves!. Turns out, they are shapeshifters, able to change into the werewolf form!. Third lie, she said she will publish Midnight Sun!. Bam! She comes out with a letter saying "it will be put on hold" leaving fans heartbroken and wondering whether they will get a published copy of Twilight from Edward's point of view!.

Seventh, Stephenie keeps on writing for money!. She keeps making more Twilight merchandise! It is not necessary to write books from ALL the characters' POVs! Any die-hard fan would buy each and every one of those books until they're in debt!.

Eighth, the author!. She's a hack!. Dramatic, money-hungry and power-hungry!. I bet she's laughing maniacally right now, counting her fans' hard-earned cash!. Up next on her agenda!? Go to the bank!.

Ninth, the lines are cheesy!. "You are exactly my brand of heroin!?" Gag!. Double gag!.

Tenth, too simple!. Clichéd!. No climax!. Repetitive!. First they are all happy, then there will be a fight!. Notice the pattern!? Except in Breaking Dawn, it was just talking!. Which made it all worse!. Meyer shouldn't have been a sap and she should have let someone die!. Oh, and did you hear that 'chagrin' is now a verb!? In Meyer's world, it is!. She writes like an immature 12-year-old!. Breaking Dawn was a flop, compared to the rest!.


It's childish sounding!. Stephenie Meyers writes like a twelve-year-old!.
It's cheesy cheesy cheesy!.
It has the most pathetic "love story" I've ever read!. I hope my daughter does not grow up reading something like this and thinking it's an example of a healthy relationship!.
And last, but not least, I'm just sick of hearing about it!. It's the most overrated book ever written!. It just becomes unbearably annoying to see "Liek OMG!!!!!! Iz any1 else in luv with Edward!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" a million times a day!.

I like a lot of different books, from all different genres!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, because her writing is boring, her description's are whack!
and the whole Bella "dismal and distress" thing is so overrated in her books!. An well there's no really good action in them!. Plus, the main character Bella can't live five minutes without Edward! AND SHE'S A FREAKIN SKANK! Gah! ^!.<
An the plot holes were a mess!. Blah! Blah! Blah!
Well I don't like Twilight and that's it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do I hate it!?

I used to like it, until it got so overrated, everyone at school was reading this book and talking about how hott Edward is!.

I have only read 2 out of the 4 books!. And I honestly have to say that the best book was the First only!. SMeyer was pressured into writing the last book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't exactly hate it but I'm not a hardcore Twilighter!. I think Stephenie Meyer should've stopped with Breaking Dawn!. It was too predictable and I wanted someone IMPORTANT to die! How hard is it to make someone die!? I mean really, no one cared about Irina!. She could've sent Jacob and Renesmee away never to been again!.!.!.wait that would've meant ANOTHER book!. Scratch that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's really badly written and reminds me of the Baby-Sitters Club!.
First-person in Twilight is horrible, regardless of whether Bella or Jacob is narrating!.

Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia are good!.
Gemma Doyle, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You rang!? lol

I'm too mature for it!.

Brian Lumeley's Necroscope series!.!.!.Now that's how Vampire Books should be written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never read it but i used to not wanna read it cuz it was big but now i geting more into reading so i might read the seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't hate it but my brother doesn't like it because it's too popular!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

donoo just hate ittttttt grrr babysitters club lol
ansswer mji

I'm sorry, but how could anything hate Twilight!?!
It's the greatest book ever! Vampires, romance, Edward Cullen, what more could a reader ask for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com