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Question: The Strange Case of Dr!. Jekyll and Mr!. Hyde!?
help please!! im out of ideas!
"how does this book represent victorian England!?"

i've put about how it shows people had to act a certain way, because when Hyde does things that are out of the norm, everybody is shocked at him

any more ideas!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could talk about how Dr!. jekyll represents the middle class, respectable side of Victorian England with high morals and social values, whereas Hyde is more coarse and vulgar - he could represent the working class side of Victorian England!.
It also highlights the Victorian preoccupation with medical science and the advances they believed they were making as well as the theory of degeneration, but that may be a little advanced if you are doing GCSE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The way the description is always dark and gloomy!.!.!. was Victorian England actually like this!? Or is this relevant to the story only!?

The relationship of the three men!.!.!. How they take walks together!.!.!. etc!. What does this say about general relationships in those times!.

also go a bit deeper in the characterisation of both Jekyll and Hyde!.!.!. he's exploring the idea of skitzophrenia!.!.!. something that in the Victorian times wasn't fully understood!. Explore the feelings and context that this has too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a GCSE text! Have you not taken any notice in class!? Most copies have notes about the setting as well!. Go back and read the book again, highlight things that are out of sync with today's society, and you will have found your own answer!. After all the teacher wants your answer and arguement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually had to read this for school for summer reading!. You have a good point about acting a certain way, also people were not rich!. When the little girl is trampled, her family is paid for her injuries!. This site was amazing and helped a lot: http://www!.novelguide!.com/dr!.jekyllandmr!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, that is a good start!. Think a little more deeply into what you already have: Why would the doctor need an alter ego!? Why would he keep his amazing discovery secret!?
also: How does Stevenson describe the setting!?
Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com