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Question: Who is the funiest author !?
who is the funiest author whom novels u love to read when you are bored !?!?!? and what are the names of that novels !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dr!. Seuss!.!.!.they don't need mentioning, we all know him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the funniest authors is Max Shulman!. Though his books mostly are out of print, they can be borrowed from the library or found in used bookstores and from online sellers!. Shulman was a master of one liners and college humor!.

Here is a list of Shulman's novels and short story collections:

Barefoot Boy With Cheek (novel), Doubleday, 1943

Feather Merchants (novel), Doubleday, 1944!.

Sleep Till Noon (novel), Doubleday, 1950!.

The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, Doubleday, 1953 -- collection of short stories including "Love is a Fallacy"!.

Max Shulman's Guided Tour of Campus Humor (anthology), Doubleday, 1955!.

Rally Round the Flag, Boys (novel), Doubleday, 1957!.

I Was a Teen-Age Dwarf, Random House, 1959!.

Anyone Got a Match, Harper, 1964!.

Max Schulman's Large Economy Size (anthology), Doubleday, 1965!.

Potatoes Are Cheaper (novel), Doubleday, 1971!.

* (Adapted from own novel with George Abbott) "Barefoot Boy With Cheek" (musical comedy)
* (With Robert Paul Smith) "The Tender Trap" (comedy)
* How Now, Dow Jones (musical comedy)

The first time I read Patrick F!. McManus' books I laughed so hard I fell on the floor!. Of course, he writes about fishing, camping, etc!., so it's helpful to have experience in the "great outdoors" to really appreciate his humor!. I hope more folks will read Pat!.!.!.he is one funny guy!.


A Fine and Pleasant Misery (1978)
Kid Camping from Aaaaii! To Zip (1979)
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They!? (1981)
Never Sniff A Gift Fish (1983)
The Grasshopper Trap (1985)
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs (1987)
The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw (1989)
Whatchagot Stew (1989), co-written with Patricia McManus Gass
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink! (1991)
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again (1992)
How I Got this Way (1994)
Never Cry "Arp!" And Other Great Adventures (1996)
Into The Twilight, Endlessly Grousing (1997)
The Deer on A Bicycle (2000)
The Bear in the Attic (2002)
The Blight Way: A Sheriff Bo Tully Mystery (2006)
Avalanche: A Sheriff Bo Tully Mystery (2007)
Kerplunk!: Stories (2007) Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're an adult, you should definitely read Christopher Moore!. He is HILARIOUS, with a unique and twisted sense of humor!. He has several books, but so far I've only read:

The Stupidest Angel
Practical Demonkeeping

There is sex, violence, and adult language, so if you're a kid, this stuff might not sit well with your parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like Tom Robbins!. I've read "Jitterbug Perfume", "Skinny Legs & All" and "Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas"!. also, Carl Hiaasen is really funny and I don't really do funny books!. I've read "Skin Tight", " Skinny Dip", "Sick Puppy" and "Double Whammy"!.

My all time favorite comedy book, though, is by far A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole!. The characters are fantastic and the plot line is really out there!. Give it a shot, though! You won't be disappointed!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Janet evonavich!. The stepanie plum novels!. There are 14 of them and they are all hysterical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

r!.k!. narayan's novels r known for wit , sarcasm !.!. like malgudi days , bachelor of arts, vendor of sweets !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laurie Notaro writes really funny memoirs full of short essays!. Her novel wasn't very good!. Her first book, The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club, is her best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Joseph Heller--Catch-22
JD Salinger--Catcher in the Rye
and Kurt Vonnegut is just funny in general, I hear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com