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Question: Which idea would make for a better story!?
I'm participation in NaNoWriMo in November, and have kicked around a few ideas, but I'm not sure which one I should go with!. Some of these are more defined in my head than others, and thus, these have more details!. Here they are:

What if you were savagely murdered and, in the afterlife, forced to share a mind with your murderer, who, in body, is still alive!?

What if beauty was a sin!?

A very insecure girl is plunged into the world of the supernatural, alone except for an immature boy as a guide, and must keep this from her sister, whom she is very close to!.

A young werewolf (werewolf being a very loose term, her natural form is wolf, but she can change into a human form) is outcasted from her pack!. Instead of roaming the forests until death, the what-was-once wolf decides to join the human civilization, but puts her new friends in danger when her pack believes she was finishing the work of past traitor of the wolf kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The werewolf story has a LOT of potential, as does the first one!. I like the werewolf story premise a lot!. I think you have a lot of room to expand in that one, and a lot of room for telling a good story as well!. I can imagine the beginning telling of how her life was among her pack, her discovery of her ability, events in her life before being outcast!.

Forced to share a mind with your murderer!.!.!.!. I like that!. I can imagine the story and how it could deal with the circumstance by which the murderer became a murderer, how and why he kills!. Perhaps the path to redemption rests in the conscience of the dead person!? Perhaps in the end the dead person gains control of the body and becomes an even more brutal killer, driven to it by the corruption of the murderer!? It is your story but it has tons of potential, and is a very unique and interesting premise!.

If you go with either of those please let me know as I will be anxiously awaiting the narrative!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The second one, definitely!. The others all sound a bit too!.!.!. unrealistic I think!? Anyway you could make an AMAZING story out of a world in which more 'attractive' people were persecuted!. Maybe some people start fighting back!.!.!. Maybe there's a love affair between two more/less attractive people!.!.!. Just my 10 cents!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not familiar with NaNoWriMo, but I would choose the "beauty as a sin" one!. It's more challenging to write a story without fantastic plot elements which may actually obscure plot defects from the writer!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I like the first one and would be most intrested to see how it ends up!. Good luck with your story!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the first a lot!. I would love to read that! Sounds good as an anime! If the killer was boy, then the victim could possibly turn the killer good (you are entitled to own my idea, I don't care)!. that would be awesome! And then the girl's soul goes to pass on out of his mind, and he does everything to save her!. That's a really great idea there!

And PS to ls, so what if they're un-realistic!? That's why we have fiction! (I'm a fiction lover) =]Www@QuestionHome@Com