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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is PaperBackSwap a reputable resource?

Question: Is PaperBackSwap a reputable resource!?
To anyone who has had experience with this site: Is it a reliable source for trading books!?

also, what is your overall opinion of the functionality, dependability of other members, etc!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
PaperBackSwap is a reputable resource, yes!. I know people that use it, but I use BookMooch!. I like the interface much better, I think it probably has more books listed, it's got a great forum, etc!. also, I believe PaperBackSwap has a system in which the first person who adds a book to their wishlist gets it, and if you're the 200th person who wants it, there are 199 people in line ahead of you!. On BookMooch, the notice e-mails about wishlist books go out randomly, but you can still request the book if you happen to see it's available and didn't get a notice!.

I recommend BookMooch over PaperBackSwap!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes! I use it all the time and absolulty LOVE it! There is a really good selection of books and they actually recomend books in your favorite genre!. The site says its completly free and it is to an extent!. the only thing you have to pay for is shipping!. i recomend bringing all of your books to the post office to ship because the price that paperbackswap!.com gives is around 10-15 cents more than it really costs!. I would HIGHLY recommend it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I've gotten about 100 books from there in the past year and a half!. I've never had a problem with the site; I have had problems with USPS losing 2 books (one I sent and one I was going to receive) but that's it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com