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Question: Was Shakespeare rich and were his plays a success immediately!? Thanks!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He became quite rich - certainly better off than most playwrights of his day and bought a share in the theatre his company used and a country house back in his home town!.

Some of his plays were more successful than others but he was certainly famous as a playwright in his own lifetime!.

You can clearly see that this was the case because of the Folio edition of his plays published soon after his death!. Had the plays not already been successful this would not have been brought out because it would never have sold!.

His plays remained popular up to the Civil War, then became less so after the Restoration and were revived once again in the late eighteenth century and have remained on stage ever sinceWww@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of info!. about Shakespeare during his playwright years is unknown - they are called "The Lost Years" by Shakespearean scholars!. We DO know that his plays were very popular in his time - and he did make a decent living!. But specifics on just how rich he was are unknown!. It is likely that he spent as much as he made, as soon as he made it, based on what we know of his lifestyle!.

I would suggest checking out this website:


There is a great biography - with detailed info!. There is even a copy of his will ;) That might help you - it would at least tell you much money he had left when he died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

also there are conspiracys regarding weather a man named shakespere actually existed or not!. That's how poverty stricken he was!. He barely had much of an identity at all!.

Fun fun answers to this question though eh!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, his plays were a success and he became rich, though not immediately!. He was able to buy the biggest house in Stratford and get a grant of arms for his family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No and no!. He left his second best bed to his wife in his will!. He was born and died on 23rd April!. His plays were of limited success during his life and he always struggled to pay the bills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No the plays did not become famous until much later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com