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Question: Chronicles of Narnia:The Horse and His Boy Poem!?
OK so I have to write a poem about The Horse and His Boy from the chronicals of narnia series but I dont remember the begining of the book and I can't find it so all i need to know is!.!.!. while shasta (AKA cor) was at Arshees'es shack, how did he feel!? what did he do!? how was he treated!? if i can remember that than i have the whole poem down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whilst Shasta was living with Arsheesh, he was given lots of work to do: mending and washing nets, cooking, and cleaning!. Arsheesh would beat him if he was in a bad mood and found fault with Shasta!.

Shasta wasn't intereste din anything south of where he lived, and all the people there were like Arsheesh!. But he was very interested in the North as no one ever went there that he knew!.

So, how did Shasta feel!? Lonely, isolated, and intrigued by the unknown!.

How was he treated!? He was looked after, but not loved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com