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Question: Has anybody read Scarlett or Rhett Butler's People!?
I'm finally reading Gone With The Wind after years, and I'm a sucker for historical sagas, so I'm toying with reading the "sequels!." Has anybody read either of them!? Have you enjoyed them!? I made the mistake of catching part of the miniseries based on Scarlett the other night, and was heartily discouraged by the silliness of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really enjoyed both, although be careful not to get confused, because Rhett Butler's People and Scarlett are basically alternate universes!. Scarlett was written first, but when Rhett Butler's People was published, the author chose to pretend it was never written, so I would get a little confused sometimes!. For instance, Rhett's sister Rosemary is an old spinster in one book, and she's a mother and wife in the other!. Because I've read both GWTW and Scarlett so many times, the two kind of run together for me, and I would be reading RBP and go, whoa! This isn't right!.!.!.

Both are great though!. I would recommend them to any GWTW fan!. The Scarlett miniseries was just silly and bad acting, but the book is great!. I would say Scarlett is much more true to the character of Scarlett O'Hara than RBP is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read Scarlett first when I was about 12 or 13 and loved it and now I'm just starting to read Gone With the Wind!.

All you can do is try it right!? Hopefully the tv show is not a reflection of the book!.!.!.!. most tv shows/movies aren't!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually" Rhett Butler's People" is far better than " Scarlett" which got a bit silly!. But neither is GWTW!. I did enjoy seeing Rhett's character expand!. I found Scarlett far more 'in character' in'Rhett Butler's People' than in the first sequel!.


Oh god, don't do it!
Seriously, just don't!
Step away from the "sequels"!

I'm warning you !. !. !.

You'll be sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read Scarlett and it is not a bad book but Gone With The Wind is way better!. Rhett Buttler, I am passing on that one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com