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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm looking for a book about a foster child...(more in details) ?

Question: I'm looking for a book about a foster child!.!.!.(more in details) !?
This child reminded me alot about the book "a child called it"!. cept it was about another foster child!.
I slightly remember some details from this book since i read it a couple years ago:

-The boy was in a foster home and had to be confined to one little table in the kitchen, and wasnt allowed to move from there all day
-He was only given a bowl of gray mucky stuff to eat, which he never did, and had to resort to eating a box of dry jello
-He feels sick from the jello
-He tries to escape by breaking the lock at night, but misses and hits the window

And that's all i can really remember from this book, and google isn't really helping me out either!.

Pleaaase can anyone helpy!? <:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Post this question at www!.whatsthatbook!.com!. I hope someone there remembers your book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com