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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone here a fan of Jacqueline Wilson?

Question: Anyone here a fan of Jacqueline Wilson!?
I am a huge fan of the books written by Jacqueline Wilson!.!.She has this amazing ability to understand the feelings of teenagers!.!.I can relate to most of the characters in her Books!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YEP DEFINITELY!! most of her stories deal with falling in love for the first time, coping with divorced parents, and troublesome brothers and sisters!. i love reading her books because it's as if i'm reading someones autobiography, and i can feel their true, raw feelings!. she was one of my first 'teen' books!. in a way, she helped me grow up and provided me with the information teachers don't teach at schoolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I agree, her books are brilliant!.

There's a great fan club here in case you're interested:


what books does she write!? sorry im bad with some authors names i know most my favourites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
