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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Need help with this writing activity for "The Crucible" by Arthur Mill

Question: Need help with this writing activity for "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller!?
Act One

Imagine you are a member of a Quaker community near Salem!. As you visit Salem, write a letter home to one of your acquaintances describing your thoughts and feelings about events that are taking place!.

I know that I need my own opinion about this but can someone help me start!?Because I don't know what to exactly put after reading act 1Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, this play is actually an allusion to HUA in the 1950s, a committee set up by the government to weed out any communist spies!.

Most people were very suspicious of anything different!. They might be suspicious of you because you are a stranger!. They might say you are the cause of the witchcraft!.Www@QuestionHome@Com