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Question: How can i find an agent to publish my book!?
I am writing a book and i would like to find an agent to publish my book, i have no idea where to start, can anybody help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is good that you want to get an agent for your book!.

You must ask yourself these questions about your book first!.

What genre is it in!? Like is it fantasy, romance, horror, thriller, children!? If the story is one of those genres, look for agents who are in that genre that your book is in, don't go for the first agent you see on a page without investigating the agent first!.

How do they want to see your book!? Do they want you to send a query first detailing within one page what your story is about, single space or do they want that and the first 3 chapters of the story!?

Has the story been completely edited by a beta reader or an editor before I send it off to an agent!? If not, get it done before you send it!. Agents will reject any manuscript that has poor spelling, grammar and sentence structures and formated wrong!. 12 font in Times New Roman, with an inch margin on every side of the page, double spaced!.

Are you thick skinned for rejections!? If you aren't, you better grow a thick skin as most of the time, you will be rejected!. But do not let that chase you off from getting an agent, it just means that your story was not right for that agent, try another agent on your list!. Try searching for an agent here: http://www!.litmatch!.net Go to the search for agents by using the Advanced Search and type what genre the book is in!.

Are you able to wait for a response!? Usually they take no more than four to five weeks but they could go up to six months before they read your query and get back to you!.

Do you have the query written out already describing yourself as who you are as in I'm a teen or a young adult or a well traveled traveler who decided to put down my adventures or something like that and what your story is about, what genre it is and if it is ready to be sent to them!?

If you can say yes, to all of them, you can do it just keep your head held high and start on the next novel while you are waiting for a response from the agents!. But if you get an agent, if they ask for a certain amount of money up front to put you on their list of authors - RUN, DON'T WALK AWAY FROM THAT AGENT!. Most agents will not ask for money as they will get paid when you get paid!. But there are legit agents who will charge a reading fee which they will state on their website, be sure the agent is associated with the AAR which is the group that all agents are a member of!.

I hope that I didn't chase you off from becoming an author or searching for an agent!. It will take effort and time to find an agent that is good for your story, so don't give up on the first rejection, keep going!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writer's Market will give you some good info, but that won't ge you an agent; that will merely give you a directory of agents!.

Agents are not interested in writers that have no proof of having sold work!.

I published a novel over 2 years ago and thought that was my ticket when I had articles in New York newspapers about me finding missiles in Iraq as a Marine (google: Christopher Pascale)!. I was wrong!.

My novel is in its 2nd printing and I'm working as a freelance writer with two articles on my resume along with about 500 copies sold of my novel!.

As you build your resume and maybe get regular work on a paper or magazine you'll show that you already have a base that will bring in money!. When you have that you could argue that you won't need an agent, but that's the nature of the beast!.

My friend,
I have been teaching and writing books for many years!. I have been teaching English Literature to university students for about 25 years!.
I was in a fix when I wanted to publish my first book!. They are like hawks and they demand huge amount of money!. Then I found a technique and started writing books!.
Now I sell well and my books are liked!.
If you visit my site you will get a link from there and send me a private message!. I will instruct you without any charge!. I like to help the students and upcoming writers because one day I was also like you!.
God bless you

You can download one of my ebooks and then you will get the idea!.
I did not spend a single penny and my books got published!. The links are given below!. Visit those sites and start publishing for free!. If you have any problem, send me an email!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

writersmarket!.com, you pay $3!.00 a month for the service, but it gives you access to literary agents!. Most of whom you can send your querys to via e-mail, so that's nice, and it saves bundles in postage!. Good luck!

*plug* www!.StefanieEllis!.net *plug*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a literary consultant for a literary agency!. Shoot me a an email to my personal account at - - - etheridge!.ryan@gmail!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you bought the recent 'Writer's and Artist's Yearbook, maybe that will help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just do a search on agents a publishers!.

but may i sugest, XLIBRIS self publication ltd!?Www@QuestionHome@Com