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Question: Seeking an agent or editor to read my work for evaluation!?
I have been writing for a number of years now!. Most of it is technical stuff or filler for other people!. Recently I have finished another of my own works!.

I work in Hollywood so I think in screenplay form so that's how I have written my 3 stories, however I do not want them to be movies!. I am involved with my writing and my characters and I want them to be books!.

Before I quit my job and jump into this full time I want to check and make sure that the work that I have done is worthy of a publishers attention!.

So my question is how should I go about submitting my completed screenplays for a reading by an editor or an agent; someone who can give me an objective opinion on whether or not to go forward with my work!.

Thanks for reading my long confusing question!. Hopefully there is a useful answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have to tell you that what you're asking will not come cheap!. However, Hilary Johnson provides a good writers advisory service!. Check it out at http://www!.hilaryjohnson!.demon!.co!.uk/

I also want to point out that you really ought not to think about giving up your day job until you know how successful your work is!. Most writers don't earn enough to live comfortably on!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

agents and editors will rarely do that!.
They are not interested in half-completed works and very few will even think about reading screenplays!.
My advice to you is to just transfer them into actual books (do your best, it's never perfect the first time) and keep tying until you get it right!.
If you like your characters and plot enough, you will be able to do it!.
After you have it in book format and you have gotten it up to your satisfactory standards, query agents and editors who accept your genre and audience of work!. You will need synopsis and sample chapters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com