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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need help writing a plot for 2 kings 5:1-5:14 in the Bible...?

Question: I need help writing a plot for 2 kings 5:1-5:14 in the Bible!.!.!.!?
please help I don't really know what to write and i have to write a paper!. but i have to write a couple of sentences for the plotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The mighty warrior Naaman, suffering from leprosy, was nevertheless greatly admired by the King of Aram!. On the word of his wife's young slave girl, he is sent by the King of Aram to seek out a prophet of Samaria who can heal him!. The King of Israel receives Naaman and the letter from the King of Aram and is offended that the King would send him such a person and expect him to help, thinking he was trying to pick a fight!.

The prophet Elisha, hearing of this snub, summons Naaman and offers him a very simple cure for his leprosy!. But because of Naaman's lack of faith and the offense he feels Elisha has given him by not meeting him face-to-face, he rejects this cure!. His officers then remind Naaman that as a great warrior, if Elisha had set him some difficult task to accomplish to be cured, he would have followed Elisha's directions without question!. Naaman comes to his senses, obeys Elisha and is cured!.
Not great - but the best I could come up with!.!.!.Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com