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Question: Book lists - does anyone know a good one!?
Does anyone know where I can find a top 100 book list or something like that!. I watched A Walk To Remember one too many times I think and Mandy Moore mentions the top 100 list by someone!. I was wondering if it actually exists or if there's something like it!. I am a very avid reader and want to get into some GOOD books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was looking for a great book list myself for the longest time!. There's tons of great books out there and I wanted to choose the right one!. Like you, I also don't jump on the bandwagon and read whatever the current reading fad is!. The great thing is there is a reading journal that addresses the need for great book lists all in one place, and it helps you organize your reading for you!.

I found this really great book lovers journal at http://www!.bibliopages!.com -- it's called Read, Remember and Recommend, a reading journal for book lovers!. It's a spiral bound reading journal with Awards Book Lists including the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Los Angeles Times Award for Fiction and National Book Award for Fiction), Notable lists (BBC’S Top 100 is included) and Author Pages!.

There's also a space for you to write down your personal favorites, list down the books you loaned, and write down insights you may have about books you've read!. The best thing about is the book suggestions -- the book selections are awesome and will help any book lover read the right books!.

It really helped organize my book reading because of the tons of lists that it has!. You won't have to worry about the next book to read!. :)

Find it at http://www!.bibliopages!.com!. Happy reading!

There are tons of lists



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