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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the Dr Seuss quote... 'something is not quite right'?

Question: What is the Dr Seuss quote!.!.!. 'something is not quite right'!?
Or something along those lines!? I think its from The Grinch!. Does anyone know a couple of the lines that surround it!? Or whereabouts I would find the text!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Though I've thumbed through "The Grinch"
And other Seuss works,
I can't find just where
Your quotation lurks;

But in an old house in Paris
That's covered with vines,
You may find a page where
You'll read those lines--

For in "Madeline", Nurse Clavell
Wakes in the night--
"Something, she says,
Is not quite right"

That's "Madeline", the wonderful picture-and-story book by Ludwig Bemelmans, about twelve little girls living in Paris!. Maybe this book is where you came across the quote!?

Even if it isn't, it's still a lovely story, with many books that followed!.
