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Question: Question on the book the alchemist!?
im reading the book the alchemist by paulo coelho and on page 18 it says:
"whats the worlds biggest lie!?" the boy asked, completely surprised!.
"Its this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of whats happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate!. thats the world's biggest lie!."

i dont really understand what its talking about could you explain!?
a friend told me melchizedek offers "the worlds biggest lie" as a reason most people abandon their personal legends!. Do you agree with this!? what are personal legends!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i do agree with it, once you become complacent with how your life is it is difficult to change it and go back to following your dream!. People believe that if something were meant to happen it either already would have or it will happen on its own
personal legends are like your greatest dream or your highest goalWww@QuestionHome@Com

What he means is that many people think their lives are run by fate and that they have no say in what happens to them!. The author is saying that this is a lie, in other words, that you do actually have control over your life and should make your own decisions!.

Your personal legend is your goal in life or what you're meant to do!. It makes sense that people would give up their dream if they believed that they could never achieve it because it was out of their control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com