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Question: How to study new vocabulary fast!?
actualy my native language isn't english but actualy i'm pretty good with english!.!.very good!.!.!.but the problem is that while reading some words pass by that i've to take out of the dictionary!.!.!.!.i'm that kind of overwhelmingly scruplous kind of person i hoover around every single new word i meet(i want one day to be a fantasy author)so it ends up finishing the book after two weeks !.!.!.week reading and other looking up words and studying them!.!.!.so any other way to increase my memory power and allow me to remember words easier!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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practice!. just look carefully at the words, and then keep thinking of the word and its definition!. then, go to the next one, and the next, and the next!. i know, bad answer!. but that's how I do it for chinese!. *shrugs*Www@QuestionHome@Com

My native language isn't english!. I tried to improve it but I wasn't very successful!. you're so much better than me!. Just go one what you're doing now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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