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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are twilight tuesdays? and how can i find them?

Question: What are twilight tuesdays!? and how can i find them!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Twilight Tuesdays are something created by MTV!. They have had various interviews with people involved with the Twilight franchise: author, actors, directors etc!. Every Tuesday they release some bit of this!. It might be an interview or a new photo or whatever!. You can find this weeks Twilight Tuesday here: http://www!.mtv!.com/movies/news/articles/!.!.!.
or all of them here:
Its mostly movie related!.

If you want lots more Twilight news, I would reccommend visiting http://www!.hisgoldeneyes!.com/

This site has absolutely everything Twilight related, whether its books, movies, photos, merchandise, anything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anne pretty much covered it!.
Tuesday is defiantly my new favorite day of the week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com