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Question: Favorite Twilight series characters!?
List in order from favorite to least favorite!.
If you want you can say why there in that order and what you like/dislike about them!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My order:
JACOB- he has depth!. He has flaws, and hes halarious!. He also knows how to have fun!. He doesnt whine like Bella and Edward, and hes also rugged and sexy!. "Did you seriously just stamp your foot!? I thought girls only did that on tv!."
EMMETT- cracks me up all the time!. He can liven up a mood just like Jazz, but without any power!. I could write paragraphs on these two, they are my reasons for reading the books over and over!. My favourite part in the whole series is chapter 15 in Eclipse!. "Fall down again, Bella!?" "No, Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face!."
ALICE- is spunky!. "How opposed are you to grand theft auto!?"
BELLA- is very caring for people she loves, and I think we need more people like that in the world!. "Did you know you're sort of beautiful!?" "You hit your head pretty hard, didnt you!?"
EDWARD- very loving to Bella, and awesome!. "You were right!." "I usually am, but about what in particular this time!?"
JASPER- just awesome!. Hes got a dirty history, which is great!. "Jasper, what do vampires do for batchelor parties!? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you!?"
ROSALIE- is kinda a snob, but she just wants a family, which is great!. "You stupid moronic dog!."
RENESMEE- the most adoring character ever, and is perfect for Jake!. "I want Jake!."
CARLISLE- how can you not like him!?
ESME- I love how she is so caring for her "kids" and how she accepts everybody!.
QUIL/EMBRY- fun and witty!. "5 bucks she throws up!." "I don't think so, man, she runs with vampires!."
ANGELA- I like her because she sticks by Bella aven though everyone else ditched her!.
The rest are all good characters, but I have no particular order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alice- She is spuky and Joyful!. She has her own Personally and adds a lot of flavor to the books!.
Emmett- Whats not to love about him he has the best personallity with all the jokes and easy going personality!.
Jasper- Hes kinda like the dark character and he adds a lot of emotion to the storys, at first he was all against bella, then he grew on her then hated himself in the 4th book cause she was so calm, hes Great lol!.
Esme- She is all so kinda and loves her kids!.
Carlise- He has good look on everything!.!.!.!.!.!.
Edward- Hes a good charcter with two sides(read midnight sun), but he is also very secretly on his darker side and yea just good touch to the book!.
Jacob- He has the emotional spikes and he is just a funny character to read about!.
Bella- Kinda doesnt care about anything, except that she is trying to do everything that is good for herself and charlie, while still having fun!.
Jessica- Has a jelous side and is a good add to the book!.
Mike- The desperate one who really wants bella, but cant!.
Billy- He is a loving and caring person who can help bella even thought she doesnt want his help, kinda like her 2nd dad who can make choices for her easily!.
Charlie/Renee- Both care about bella but are completly blind in the books, except charlie in Breaking Dawn!.
Rosalie- She is just a piece of work!.!.!.!.!.
Paul/Quil- Has there views of bella, but over all can just joke anout it without it really affecting there friendship with her!.
Sam- Really has a personality with many sides- Carning,Bossy,and just an everyday perosn!.
Leah/Seth- They are very important to the story in there own way but didnt really grab me lol!.
Angela- Good person with good thoughts all the time!.

Bella-- Snotty, whiny, dramatic, obsequious, insipid, two-faced toerag Mary sue who uses her friends, has no personality, is a complete door mat, and makes no attempt to better herself as a person!.
Edward-- Abusive stalker who is emotionally draining, overbearing, controlling, and bipolar!.
Emmett-- Funny, but useless!. He could be taken out of the story and it wouldn't affect it at all!. He's a useless character!.
Jacob-- One of the TWO characters in the entire series with actual depth!. He had a personality up until he imprinted, had actual goals, and is funny!. He's a pedophile, though, so I can't like him!.
Rosalie-- Decent character!. At least she's had struggles!.
Esme- Another useless character!. All she does is stand there and look happy!.
Carlise- Interesting character who was never developed to his potential!. What a waste!.
Renee-- Slut of a mother!.
Charlie-- He's an idiot, but at least he makes an attempt to care!.
Seth-- Funny, cute, and annoying as heck!. But I still like him!.
Leah-- One of the TWO characters in the series with actual depth!. She's had trials, but unlike Bella, who whines and does nothing to solve anything, Leah makes an effort to do the best she can with what she's given!.
Sam-- Good character who was also never developed to his potential!.
Quil- Useless and also a pedophile!.
Paul- Useless!.
Jasper- Another useless one!.
Billy-- Kind of creepy, but like Charlie, at least he cares!.
Angela-- Nice girl!.
Mike-- Nice boy with good intentions who always gets slighted!.
Jessica-- Typical teenage girl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK!. My favs are(In the book idk about the movie):

Emmett(WOOT!)(lol He's funny in the book) :]

Alice!.!.!. She's short, sassy, compassionate, psychic, and kicks butt!.!. and she always stayed true to Edward and Bella!. In the end she really saved everyone from the battle!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just Pure Edward is my fav!. my least fav is Jacob!. He is too whineyWww@QuestionHome@Com