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Question: Does he like me!? (awesome story!)!?
Ok, so this guy, we have been best friends for as long as I can remember!. I am 17, and I really like him, and of course, one of my other friends has to tell him that I do!. I have liked him since I met him, which was 2nd grade!. He's funny,sweet, and really hot!. He has a gf, and I have met her, which was SO awkward!.(she's older than him) He gives me like 3 hugs everyday, whenever we see eachother between classes!. He has only had 3 classes with me before, so we mostly hang out on weekends!. also, sometimes it looks like he is flirting with girls, which I know guys do even when they have a gf, but it just makes me want to run over to them and kick the girl!. I have a bf, and he has met him!. He doesn't like him, of course, and I don't like his gf!. Sooooo, my friend talked to him a couple days ago and asked if he remembered me!. (well duh, i just texted him earlier) He said yes!. But here's the part I don't understand!. She said that he said don't tell her but i want to go out with her!. I hope my friends not lying and I don't want to get all excited for nothing!. When we hang out on weekends, sometimes it's with other friends!. He usually has his arm around me, and he has held my hand before!. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do I do!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it sounds like he likes you!
next time your alone together, make a move and see how he reacts!

and i think you should have put this in the dating section but its all good :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

tell him what you feelWww@QuestionHome@Com

i'm here to talk about literature!.!.!. so what the heck is this!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should tell him how you feel!. You don't have to say your friend said so!. If he wants to go out with you though it shouldn't really matter!. Seems like you just need his girlfriend out of the picture so you can get in the picture!. But it definitely sounds like he is interested in you because even before your friend told you he was hugging you and holding your hand!. You both like each other so why waste any more time!? Tell him how you feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com