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Question: My Warriors fan character!?
I have a Warriors fan character, Dreampaw!. I don't know if she should be born in ThunderClan by Squirrelflight or by any of the other queens like Sorreltail or Daisy!? Or maybe she has a long lost mother and sister whom she was seperated and she came to ThunderClan and was nursed by any of the queens or something!.!.!.!.Hmmm!.!.!.!.!.help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmm!.!.!. what's this for!? A fanfic or something!? If so, when's it set!? Before or after Power of Three!? Because after might be hard, as you don't know what happens to Jaypaw, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw!.
Anyway, I think you should either have your character the daughter of one of the lesser queens (like, the ones that aren't mentioned as much), or maybe have her abandoned as a kit and raised by ThunderClan, but she's always wanted to meet her mother!.
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com