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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Book name? - 2 sisters and they are princesses deals with dragons and magic...?

Question: Book name!? - 2 sisters and they are princesses deals with dragons and magic!.!.!.!?
I think one is blonde the other is brown hair well something happens to the blonde one and the other has to save her!.

She has to fight all these creatures!.!.!. i think!.!.!.
Umm Oh! I remember clearly that she had this carpet or something that can pop out food lol!.

Her sister eventually dies!? but turns to an angel or a fairy or something and that was the end!.
At least her sister was alive and not dead!.!.!.

Anyways i read this when I was very young and I want to find out the name of it for some kids that I know!.

So, anyone know the name!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like the person above me said, it's
by the author of Enchanted!. It's called
'Two Princesses of Bamarre' by
Gail Carson Levine!.

I hope this helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think i read this novel is it called the - The Princesses of Bramere !?
something like that i think !. its from the author of Ella Enchanted!. Www@QuestionHome@Com